Maritha Pottenger’s teaching handouts
Maritha Pottenger is a popular bridge teacher in San Diego, and a member of the National Goodwill and National Charity committees of the ACBL. She was Director of Intermediate/Novice teaching programs at the Ventura, Riverside, Rancho Mirage, and San Diego Regionals for many years, plus the 2014 Las Vegas Nationals, and 2017 San Diego Nationals. Maritha is an Emerald Life Master (over 9,100 masterpoints) whose highest National place was 4th in the Women's Pairs. Maritha won the San Diego Unit Mini McKenney (most masterpoints in her category) from 2005 through 2012, 2014, 2015, and makes the Barry Crane Top 500 list most years.
Maritha has created many teaching handouts, originally distributed in paper form. Starting in August 2014, some are available here.
For Beginners
Position and Promotion
Developing Tricks in Notrump
Basic Bidding Summary
Artificial Bids in Easybridge
Filling Out an SAYC-like Convention Card
Bidding handouts
2/1 Bidding Quiz–Opener Rebids
2/1 Bidding Quiz–Responder Rebids
Balancing Bid That Involve Notrump
Balancing Seat: Pass My Be Your Best Choice
Responding When Partner Bids in the Balancing Seat
Context in Bidding
Cue-Bidding Slams
Bidding Notrump Slams
Regular Blackwood
Declarer Play handouts
Avoidance Plays
Avoidance Play “White Board” Examples
How to Calculate Various Combined Chances
Counting Your Tricks As Declarer
Counting Out Opponents’ Distribution
Counting HCP in Opponents’ Hands
Counting Tricks and Counting Losers in Declarer Play
Cutting Opponents’ Communication Lines
Developing Long Suits
Delay That Big Decision
Hold-Up Plays and Dangerous Hand in Notrump
Defense handouts
Attitude Signaling Examples
Active Versus Passive Defense
Clues from the Auction
Counting Declarer’s HCP
Counting Declarer’s Tricks
Count Signals
Covering Honor with Honors: Yes or No?
Defensive False Cards and Combinations
Defensive Tips
Defensive Tools and Sources of Information
More on Defense (Against Suits)
Principles of Defense